The Oddity 2021 - young adult production
This February, 2021, we presented not one, but two back-to-back performances. Each performance had its own cast and was completely self-contained. A big project, but one we are so proud of. Follow our Instagram or Facebook for updates.
Both productions were called The Oddity. Before the interval our cast of 18 young performers presented a fast moving surreal science fiction comedy. You can read all about it here
After the interval our team of ten experienced young adults presented their strange tale of a young woman’s discovery of a rusted metal pod in the woods. An unsettling, confronting story explored social relationships and personal growth. With generous funding from Like Minds, Like Mine and the Mental Health Foundation, our drama explored powerful issues and questioned our assumptions.
After the Friday night and Saturday afternoon performances we held audience discussion panels at which cast members talked about their writing and drama devising process, and audience members spoke movingly about how the play had impacted them.